Every woman goes through menopause. She doesn’t always perceive this as a pleasant experience, usually it’s the other way around. In addition to physical problems, some women also experience significant psychological problems. These conditions are...


Nowadays, there are more and more children who deviate from the norm and due to their “otherness”, the environment considers them ill-mannered or unmanageable, etc. They are often labelled with a diagnosis of AUTISM or ASD or other ATTENTION DISORDERS. In...
SLEEP and homeopathy

SLEEP and homeopathy

HOW IS YOUR SLEEP? And do you know this beautiful flower? This beauty is called PASSIFLORA INCARNATA (passion flower) and it is used in homeopathy for sleep disorders. Passionflower affects the nervous system, tea from the leaves makes a person sleepy, it is suitable...
IRRITABLE STOMACH – homeopathic help

IRRITABLE STOMACH – homeopathic help

The Christmas holidays are always a burden for “gallbladders”, people with sensitive stomach or people with generally weaker digestion. An excess of food, alcohol, and sweets can sometimes torment even stronger individuals, who may be surprised that they...
COUGH – homeopathic help

COUGH – homeopathic help

You´ve been there before….your healthy child leaves for a ski trip or school trip in nature and comes back with a total cold. Usually already with an advanced cough, a runny nose to go with it. What do you try solving first? Good question. Certainly, what bothers the...


The coronavirus crisis persists, you can say, because nothing is returning to normal. Quite on the contrary. Fear of contagion, fear and panic are now ruling the whole world. Not everyone has the same attitude towards development of this situation, but that would be...