Contact me

If you want to consult, order products or meet… just give me a call, I will be happy to attend to you in person or online, according to your choice.

Phone number

Sovadinova 3188/15b, 690 02 Břeclav

Bank account


Choose a topic and ask what you need

Address of my studio

Mgr. Martina Maier


  • Homeopathy looks at health from a holistic perspective. Homeopaths do not make a medical diagnosis and it is the responsibility of each patient to maintain a functional relationship with their treating physician.
  • Homeopathy does not replace medical care.
  • Homeopathic medicines can be combined with classical chemical medicines.
  • Homeopathy has no unwanted side effects.

From my blog..


Whooping cough is a disease that has been around since ancient times. It is especially dangerous for children, which is why it is vaccinated in infancy. Antibodies last for around 10 years, followed...


Mental injuries tend to be very painful and long-lasting. Many of us have been disappointed. We think there is no cure for them. We often hear, time will help. Everything will get over with time and...


Everyone has at one time or another experienced SHOCK or ANXIETY ABOUT AN UPCOMING EVENT. It can be anything... Fear of speaking in public Fear of the exam Fear of bad news Fear of flying Fear of...

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