About me

Martina Maier, MSc.

I am dedicated to constitutional and acute homeopathy, which I supplement with Bach therapy. I mainly focus on children, where I look for the causes of their problems, especially behavioural disorders, adaptation anxiety, stress and reduced immune system function.

However, anyone can seek help and advice from me. Homeopathy is not limited by age. Together, we will not only improve your health, sleep, and fitness, but you will also often gain a happier outlook on the world.


How it all began

I´ve been dealing with homeopathy since 2005. I originally studied Laboratory Bioanalytic in healthcare, but I´ve been interested in alternative remedies since I was 18 years old, and this direction eventually turned out to be my life path. I started with self-study of phytotherapy, which was followed by courses in oriental diagnostics, reflexology, su-yoku, Reiki, Bach therapy and homeopathy.

My education

I completed a 4-year course at the Homeopathic Faculty with a clinic in 2005-2009, participated in supervised consultations and lectures with foreign tutors. I continuously take part in Advanced Studies Program in Homeopathy at the Prague Academy of Homeopathy. I am a member of the Homeopathic Medical Society, I participate in regular trainings, webinars, and workshops, I follow the latest findings in homeopathy so that I can put them into my practice as well as possible and pass them on.

Why me

If you are really looking for a way to a permanent cure and you don’t just want to suppress the symptoms with a chemical pill, you have come to the right place. The goal and mission of homeopathic treatment is to restore the health and harmony of the organism, not just to suppress unpleasant conditions without eliminating their cause.

My blog

Interesting articles on homeopathy and other natural products for health



Whooping cough is a disease that has been around since ancient times. It is especially dangerous for children, which is why it is vaccinated in infancy. Antibodies last for around 10 years, followed by revaccination. Unfortunately, in adulthood, the level of...

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Mental injuries tend to be very painful and long-lasting. Many of us have been disappointed. We think there is no cure for them. We often hear, time will help. Everything will get over with time and so on. But what if he doesn't get over it? What if the wound is still...

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Everyone has at one time or another experienced SHOCK or ANXIETY ABOUT AN UPCOMING EVENT. It can be anything... Fear of speaking in public Fear of the exam Fear of bad news Fear of flying Fear of driving a car Fear of doctors or procedures Any concern that precedes an...

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