HOMEOPATHY and DENTAL procedures

HOMEOPATHY and DENTAL procedures

Dental problems can occur at any age. They either develop gradually or appear suddenly. Acute toothache is probably one of the most painful things. Those who have experienced it will welcome anything that helps them to relieve their pain quickly. Homeopathy does not...


Nowadays, there are more and more children who deviate from the norm and due to their “otherness”, the environment considers them ill-mannered or unmanageable, etc. They are often labelled with a diagnosis of AUTISM or ASD or other ATTENTION DISORDERS. In...
SLEEP and homeopathy

SLEEP and homeopathy

HOW IS YOUR SLEEP? And do you know this beautiful flower? This beauty is called PASSIFLORA INCARNATA (passion flower) and it is used in homeopathy for sleep disorders. Passionflower affects the nervous system, tea from the leaves makes a person sleepy, it is suitable...
FEAR of public speaking

FEAR of public speaking

One day, a young lady (let’s call her Magda) called me to see if I could help her with something for her fear. Magda suffered from stage fright associated with appearing in public. She had been singing in church since she was a child, she is a teacher and now an...
Homeopathic first aid kit for home and travel

Homeopathic first aid kit for home and travel

Apparently, everyone takes “some medicine” with them on vacation. Whether chemical or natural or your tried and tested ones. And if you travel with children, you definitely take more of them, because you know … With children it is unpredictable all...