I often get questions about whether Lyme disease can be treated homeopathically. Homeopathic only, no antibiotics. Yes and no. In my practice, I believe alternative treatment is not always the only correct solution. I do not condemn today’s medicine either, and we can be very grateful for some discoveries. In this case, even for antibiotics, and I mean that quite honestly.
To return to Lyme disease, I know what damage this disease can do to the body and how difficult it is to treat. There is no need to play heroes and announce how we managed everything in an alternative way. Hats off to whoever did it. However, this is not always the case, and many people struggle with major health problems of various nature. That is why I always recommend treating Lyme disease with antibiotics and I choose homeopathy as a complementary treatment. Yes, you read that right. The first choice is an antibiotic and then we continue with additional treatment, either constitutional or palliative. It relieves a lot, eliminates a lot of negative symptoms that accompany the disease, and some disappear forever.
Ledum palustre 30CH is the remedy of first choice for a tick bite. Always use the homeopathic medicine when you find a tick, because at that point you don´t know if it is infected or not.
The use of your constitutional medicine (if you know it) and some homeopathy that has a palliative effect, according to the symptoms you suffer from, is greatly used in the treatment of Lyme disease/borreliosis. Newer remedies are Borrelia burgdorferi and Lyme disease, the use and dosage of which should only be prescribed by an experienced homeopath, who will precisely and purposefully determine how to use the drugs and guide you safely through the entire treatment. Lyme disease is not a cold and it does not apply here that you get a medicine once and that´s it… Each person is an original and if five people have the same disease, each one will require a different medicine, because each one’s symptoms of the disease are always slightly different and exactly in this direction homeopathy holistically works. You can also use other alternative treatment options, there are a lot of them today and everyone chooses what suits them.