The weekend seminar, held last week of February 2020, in Bratislava, was more than inspiring and exceeded my expectations for me, as a homeopath. On one hand, by the amount and quality of information, and on the other by the realization that the remedies made of elements from the 7th period (Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Californium, Curium, Thorium, Radium) cover such a range of symptoms that they will be definitely needed by many people.
The main problem these treatments are aimed at is “destruction”, which presents itself when the traditional structures are broken down → the breakdown of relationship/s, divorce and the related feeling of loneliness, endangerment, the feeling of being on your own. Since we live in the “atomic” age (nuclear energy, radioactivity, globalization, space research, extinction of animal species, etc.), treatments and medicines from this period are projected into our lives whether we like it or not. More for some of us, less for others and for many they can help a lot. Especially in cases where the right medicine cannot be found. It will probably not be classic polychrests, but a layer acquired through trauma, etc. Actinoids will be a great medicine especially for children.
German colleagues, Dr. Hans Eberle and Friedrich Ritzer came to share their experience with these remedies, with which they have many years of experience and several successfully cured patients. The cases were very interesting and stimulating and this three-day seminar enriched me a lot. The remedies are now part of my homeopathic repertoire.
Just a short list of the main actinoid topics:
- disintegration and decomposition, therefore, a turning point
- breaking down structures (family, relationships), nothing holds together, loss of something that worked until now, end of traditions
- fear, panic, threat, post-traumatic conditions, caesarean section, forceps delivery, fear of diagnosis
- sadness, depression, heaviness
- inability to concentrate and learn in schoolchildren, great nervousness, failure, children under pressure
- bullying, extremism, drugs, social exclusion, bankruptcy
- outbursts of anger
- extreme sleepiness, fatigue, exhaustion,
- delusions of grandeur, Buddhism (focusing on oneself, how not to suffer), fundamentalism
- excessive ambition, doubts about oneself and one’s plans
- uncertainty, procrastination, fear of anticipation
On a physical level:
- dizziness, headache
- lumbar and cervical spine, paralysis of the shoulders, numbness of the fingertips
- tinnitus
- abdominal pain, cramps, bloating
- sinusitis, laryngitis, angina
- immune disorders, allergies, autoimmune diseases, eczema, psoriasis
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- cancer
Be Healthy